Surprising Bathroom Cleaning Tips

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Cleaning like a wartime strategy, you can write up an absolutely amazing plan for it and execute it with grace, precision and efficiency, and still miss some spots or slip up somewhere down the line. When it comes to cleaning, it’s never easy, and the more short-cuts and cleaning hacks you know going in, the better, so here are a bunch of neat cleaning tips that you can use to get you through the ordeal!

Toilet Cleaning
Toilets are without a doubt the most unpleasant thing to clean in the bathroom. Nobody wants to be cleaning up after other peoples’ “business”, and even if they do so first the thought of scrubbing the pooper still isn’t particularly attractive. But, did you know that there are some really surprising ways to disinfect a toilet beforehand? The most obvious is to use one or two antacid tablets in and let them dissolve for twenty minutes. But, if you don’t have them handy, there are basic household items you can use to get the same effect. Vitamin C tablets, baking soda, mouthwash, a can of cola. Yeah, that’s right! A can of cola can clean your toilet! They’re less effective than antacid, though, so it’s better to leave them soaking for around an hour first.

Mildew-Free Shower Curtains
Eugh. Mildew. It’s one of the least enjoyable things about bathroom cleaning. Not only is it creepy to think of mould growing on your shower curtains, but then having to scrub it off is a step over the nightmare-inducing line. But, did you know getting rid of it is surprisingly easy? Soaking curtains and liners with salt-water, mixing together some borax, vinegar and water and then pouring it onto the affected areas will wipe that nasty grime out! You can also mix a mere two tablespoons of washing up liquid with a pint of bleach and spray the solution onto the curtain.

The Ceiling
When it comes to cleaning any room, the ceiling is the last thing anyone thinks to clean, but mildew, spots and grime can still build up there. Getting rid of them sounds easy enough, but vertical cleaning is an ordeal, especially when water s involved. To clean it easily, cover your floor with thick towels, fill a mop bucket with water and vinegar, put on a pair of goggles and start scrubbing. Anything on there will be gone in no time.

Cleaning bathrooms surely is an unpleasant experience, but hopefully with these tips and tricks things are much easier for you. Who knows? They might even make cleaning your bathroom slightly fun! But, if not, they’re useful and handy to keep in mind nonetheless. Thanks for reading!

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Surprising Bathroom Cleaning Tips

Cleaning like a wartime strategy, you can write up an absolutely amazing plan for it and execute it with grace, precision and efficiency, and still